In recent years, there has been a growing concern about the impact of social media and internet adoption on society. Many argue that these technological advancements have negative effects on mental health and productivity. However, a recent study suggests that there have been almost no changes in mental health over the past two decades, despite a significant increase in global internet adoption. This raises the question: are we asking the right questions in these studies?
Are We Asking the Right Questions?
The study in question examined subjective well-being responses from a Gallup World Poll of 2,434,203 civilians between age 15 and 89 across 168 countries between 2005 and 2020. Questions included items such as “Did you feel well-rested yesterday?” “Were you treated with respect all day yesterday?” “Did you smile or laugh a lot yesterday?” “Did you learn or do something interesting yesterday?” and “Did you experience the following feelings during a lot of the day yesterday? How about enjoyment?” And for negative experiences, the items are responses to “Did you experience the following feelings during a lot of the day yesterday?” with prompts “How about physical pain?” “How about worry?” “How about sadness?” “How about stress?” and “How about anger?”
The study found no apparent changes over the last two decades. This finding is surprising, considering that the percentage of people using the internet globally has increased from 17% in 2005 to 59% in 2020. It challenges the assumption that increased internet usage is inherently harmful to mental well-being.
However, it is important to consider the limitations of this study and the broader context in which these findings exist. Mental health questionnaires don’t necessarily produce reliable results because of the subjective nature of responses. Also while the study suggests no significant changes in mental health, it does not discount the possibility of other negative impacts associated with social media and internet adoption.
Defining mental illnesses is complex. They are diagnosed based on people’s psychological symptoms and behavior rather than biomarkers, brain scans, or blood tests. This makes them more subjective – they are dependent on whether people share their symptoms and the way doctors diagnose them.
Our World in Data
One aspect that the study may not have fully addressed is the potential for addiction and dependency on social media and the internet. Excessive use of these platforms can lead to a range of issues, including decreased productivity and social isolation. Social media has created a new hierarchical system of social currency. It is crucial to examine the relationship between internet usage and these negative outcomes to gain a comprehensive understanding of the impact of technology on society.
Another key consideration is the quality of online interactions and the potential for cyberbullying, harassment, and misinformation. While the study focuses on overall mental health, it does not delve into the specific effects of negative online experiences. Research has shown that exposure to cyberbullying and online harassment can have detrimental effects on mental well-being, particularly among vulnerable populations such as adolescents.
Furthermore, the study does not address the potential impact of social media and internet adoption on societal norms and behaviors. The rise of social media platforms has undoubtedly influenced the way we communicate, form relationships, and consume information. It is essential to explore the long-term effects of these changes on social dynamics and cultural values.
The Negative Impact of Social Media
While the study’s findings provide valuable insights into the relationship between internet adoption and mental health, it is crucial to approach this topic with a nuanced perspective. Rather than simply asking whether social media and internet adoption are harmful to individuals, we should be asking more specific questions about the potential negative consequences to society as a whole, such as politics and the economy, mob rule, market manipulation, social trends, and community.

Additionally, it is important to acknowledge that the impact of social media and internet adoption may vary among individuals and across different contexts. Factors such as age, socioeconomic status, and cultural background can influence how people experience and interact with these technologies.
In conclusion, the recent study indicating no significant changes in mental health over the past two decades challenges the assumption that social media and internet adoption are inherently harmful to society. However, it is essential to broaden our perspective and ask more specific questions about the potential negative consequences associated with these technologies. By doing so, we can gain a deeper understanding of their impact on mental health, productivity, and societal well-being.